And finally the time has come for the seed to grow. This picture below is the time when the seed comes to the world :)
The last two pictures below will show you the next step after the seed grow. Move it to polybag and then to nursery.
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Ok, we have talked about growth requirements, population per hectare and even dimension of the hole to plant, now I will talk about the seedling. Actually there are several ways to get the seedling, the easiest is by buying it :) for anyone who want to produce it by themselves here's I got some info ;) Seedling can be produced by plants cutting, growing seed, or by tissue culture.
The first candidate, cutting. Plant cutting, also known as striking/cloning, is a technique for vegetatively (asexually) propagating plants in which a piece of the source plant containing at least one stem cell is placed in a suitable medium such as moist soil, potting mix, coir or rock wool. The cutting produces new roots, stems, or both, and thus becomes a new plant independent of the parent (wikipedia). That the general picture is described, then here's the visual part of Jatropha's cutting.
Picture above shows the cuttings in polybag. It just been cut so there's no leaf yet but you can see clearly it's cutting. For the growing part of cutting which already have leaves is as follows:
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